Plate culture method combined with PCR-DGGE was applied to monitor the bactericidal efficacy of acidic electrolyzed water on shrimp. 利用平板培养结合PCR-DGGE技术监测酸性电解水对虾的杀菌效果。
Monokaryons of this fungus will grow readily as saprophytes in plate or liquid culture. 这种真菌的单核体在平板或液体培养时能像腐生菌那样容易生长。
Under the condition of in vitro agar plate culture, the LMW NTS of fetal bovine hepatocytes showed remarkable inhibitory effects on the growth of murine S 180 cells, but weaker effects on the growth of normal murine bone marrow granulocyte macrophage progenitors. 体外培养条件下胎牛肝细胞LMWNTS对小鼠S180细胞较对正常小鼠骨髓粒巨噬系祖细胞有更强的抑制增殖及集落生成作用;
The results showed that the method of plate culture count had quicker, easier operation and higher repeatability than the method of bacteriostatic circle did. 结果表明,与抑菌圈法相比,平板菌落计数法具有快速、简便、重复性好等优点。
The in-vitro plate culture indicated that the fungistatic rates of 0.3 volume fraction of HD bleeding sap ( at the rate of medium) on three plant pathogenic fungi were 90.70%, 36.97%, 40.87%, respectively. 平板试验,体积分数为0.3的邯丝伤流液对三种植物病原真菌的抑菌率分别为90.70%,36.97%,40.87%;
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of clarithromycin and fleroxacin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( PA) biofilm METHODS: Clinical isolates of 7 strains of PA from respiratory tract were cultured with modified plate culture method; 目的:探讨克拉霉素和氟罗沙星对铜绿假单胞菌(PA)生物被膜的影响。方法:选取临床分离的呼吸道PA7株,用平板法培养细菌生物被膜,银染色法鉴定;
Eighty thin-sections of the subalpine coniferous organic layer were used for observing the effect of microorganisms and animals on the needle decomposition. The distribution patterns of fungal spores and bacteria along the upper 8 cm soil profile of the forest floor were counted using the plate culture method. 通过80片亚高山针叶林土壤有机物层切片的显微观察和统计,并结合微生物(CFU)的培养观察,对亚高山针叶林土壤有机物分解过程中土壤动物和土壤微生物的作用进行了研究。
Results The in vitro cellular study showed that 1,2 days after plate culture, the number of cells and the cell viability of bFGF group were significantly larger than those of bFGF-PLGA-Ms group and bFGF-PELA-Ms group. 结果培养1、2d时,bFGF组的雪旺细胞计数、活力明显高于PLGA微球组和PELA微球组;
The bacterio-liquid was spreaded on the plate culture medium contained the Aminobenzylpenicillin, the X-gal and IPTG. ⑦ Then, we picked out the needed germs by drug-resistance screening and the blue-white spots test. 将培养好的菌液平铺于含有抗生素和X-gal、IPTG的平板培养基中,通过抗药性筛选及蓝白斑试验挑选所需的大肠杆菌,继续于液体培养基中过夜培养。
Method: Using plant single cell plate culture technique. 方法:利用植物细胞平板技术培养。
Plate solid culture with high concentration glucose and plate solid culture with high concentration glutamic acid are used to recover the property of bacteria in glutamic acid production 高糖平板、高谷氨酸平板在谷氨酸生产菌种复壮中的应用
A number of endophytic culturable bacterial strains were obtained from roots, stems and leaves of tomato plants by plate culture during 2002-2004. Among all culturable endophytic bacterial strains, ZB-6, a strain from tomato leaf, showed the strongest inhibitory activity to plant fungal pathogens. 2002-2004年,对番茄根、茎、叶等组织可培养内生细菌进行分离培养,获得了大量的内生细菌菌株。
Plate culture of single cell clone from Sarcandra glabra 草珊瑚单细胞克隆的平板培养
METHODS: BM MNCs were isolated from bone marrow blood of rat femur by density gradient centrifugation, then divided into 3 groups, plate on culture dishes and maintained EC basal medium: A: Supplement with VEGF/ bFGF; 方法:取SD大鼠股骨,用密度梯度离心法收集骨髓单个核细胞,分为3组,接种在EC基础培养基上:A组,在培养液中添加VEGF,bFGF;
In comparing the hyphae from plate culture and liquid fermentation with the hyphae consisting of the sclerotia of G. umbellata, the latter showed multi-branched hyphae, higher rate of mycelium fusion and irregular morphology of hyphae etc. 组成猪苓菌核的菌丝与平板培养或发酵培养的猪苓菌丝比较,具有多分枝、融合频率高、菌丝形态不规则等特点。
The PE of single cell clones in condition culture was 3.6 times as high as in normal plate culture. 红花细胞克隆的条件培养的植板率是普通平板培养的3.6倍。
The effects of oocyte-collecting method ( aspiration, dissection, mechanical break-up), in vitro oocyte maturation culture method ( plate culture, droplet culture), and porcine follicular fluid ( PFF) concentration in culture medium to porcine oocyte culture and in vitro fertilization was compared. 比较了卵母细胞采集方法(剖解法,抽吸法,机械破碎法)、卵母细胞体外成熟培养方法以及猪卵泡液(PFF)质量浓度对猪卵母细胞培养和体外受精的影响。
Hyphal growth of mycorrhizal fungi in time turning vertical plate culture 丛枝菌根真菌的垂直平板定时转动培养及菌丝生长观察
During the plate culture, long photoperiods apparently favored the colony growth and sporulation; 在平板培养中,长光照能促进菌落生长和产孢;
Useing traditional plate culture and DGGE techniques, influence of AM fungal inoculation on Ralstonia solanacearum population and bacterial community structure in tomato rhizosphere were investigated. 利用传统的平板培养与DGGE相结合的技术手段,研究了接种AM真菌对番茄根际土壤中的青枯菌和细菌群落结构的影响。
High production anthocyanin roselle cell lines were selected by both single cell clone plate culture and small-cell-aggregate culture. 用平板培养及小细胞团培养两种方法筛选高产花青素的玫瑰茄细胞系。
A Rapid Plate Culture Method for Screening Micro-Organisms Producing Acid-Tolerant Amylase 快速筛选耐酸性α-淀粉酶生产菌株的平板透明圈法
Method: The animal model of biofilm associated chronic pulmonary infection was established by inoculating alginate-Pseudomonas aeruginosa to cortisone-treated rats. Biofilm model in vitro was established by the modified plate culture method. 方法:应用藻酸盐-粘液型铜绿假单胞菌接种免疫抑制SD大鼠,制备肺部细菌生物被膜感染病理模型;
From a theoretical perspective this article, researching on tobacco, inquires into the links of the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere characteristics and tobacco quality under the condition of different soil improvement, using the traditional method of plate culture combined with the technology of modern molecular biology. 本文以烟草根系土壤及烤烟为研究对象,利用生物和化学手段相结合的方式,从理论角度探讨了不同土壤改良下根际与非根际微生物生态学特性与烟叶质量之间的联系。
The method of plate culture and selective medium were used to culture and separate soil microbes, and then organic-phosphorus solubilizing bacteria was screened preliminary. 本研究主要以西北几个地区葡萄根际土壤为试验材料,利用平板培养法和微生物选择培养基进行培养分离,初步筛选出具有溶有机磷能力的细菌。